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Paula F. Sardinas Shares Update on Senate Bill 5080, Which Affects Social Equity in the Cannabis Industry, on HeartBeat with Cindi Bright

Last night on HeartBeat with Cindi Bright, Paula F. Sardinas announced the historic news that Senate Bill 5080 cleared the Washington State Senate and is on to the State House of Representatives. The bill impacts the 45 Cannabis licenses earmarked for the BIPOC community, which became available to apply for yesterday. The Senate Bill makes them portable, as well as making 52 additional retail licenses available and making 100 producer licenses available to the BIPOC community. 

“We’ve fought very hard to get social equity,” Sardinas said. “This will extend social equity until 2032, and it makes Washington’s Social Equity program one of the best in the country.”

Sardinas is the former co-chair of Washington’s social equity task force, and was emotional as she announced the news.

“This is going to be life-changing for BIPOC men and women who for years have felt unseen and unheard,” Sardinas said.

You can find out more about those licenses and how to apply here, and stay up to date on the progress of Senate Bill 5080 on our platforms.