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State Senator Patty Kuderer joined HeartBeat to discuss her campaign for Washington State Insurance Commisioner

This week on HeartBeat, Cindi Bright was joined by Washington State Senator Patty Kuderer. Kuderer recently announced her campaign for Washington State Insurance Commissioner, a role which oversees healthcare costs and the ways insurance companies operate within the state.

Some of her vision around this role include making pharmaceutical drugs much more affordable and to push for greater coverage for people. She cited an example of how getting 3D mammograms implemented - which cost merely $50 more than a regular mammogram - is something she has had to fight for and that insurance companies chose to pay for mastectomies rather than preventive mammograms.

She also discussed some of the upcoming special session the legislators are holding this month to discuss the House Bill 5536 - which is about categorizing drug possession and her thoughts about this bill, that can have a disproportionate impact on brown and black communities.

You can watch the full conversation above.