#SocialHousing - A discussion between Tye Reed, Alice Woldt and Tiffani McCoy about I-135 on HeartBeat with Cindi Bright examines the initiative

Last night, Cindi Bright hosted a debate about I-135, an initiative which aims to create social housing for artists and other low income residents. The initiative is the only item on the ballot for February 14th’s special election.

The debate featured Tye Reed, Alice Woldt and Tiffani McCoy voicing their opinions on the issue. You can find the full debate in the video above.

Reed argued that this will be the first time the city has been directly involved in doing housing work rather than giving money to private organizations.

“I really stress that these organizations that have been doing this are not non-profits,” Reed said. “I think it’s time for the city to really get involved and do the work.”

McCoy agreed, saying that it’s time to take action.

“What really makes me sad is that while we’re here in this room debating who is more deserving of affordable housing or where our money should go, the private market is out there gobbling up the rental market and buying up homes from under people,” McCoy said.

Woldt argued against the initiative, saying that the initiative will be redundant and that it creates more of the same problem she’s seen in the past.

“I’m not opposed to changes, but we don’t want to see changes that go belly up,” Woldt said. “We already have services here that if they were fully funded and held accountable would be able to get ahold of the crises that we face in this city with the unhoused and with people who need services.”

Photos by Seattle photographer Victor Jones on behalf of Converge Media.


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