6 Facts About Trae Holiday | Converge Media Community Queen

-Photos were taken by Liv Lyons-

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

I’m actually both, lol! I would lean more towards night owl if I must choose.

What is your favorite movie?

It’s tough… I’ve always loved Set It Off, but I could also easily go with School Daze or Talkin’ Dirty After Dark!

What motivates you at work?

It’s the community impact that gets me the most. Knowing my energy is helping, inspiring, uplifting, encouraging, motivating, and educating others is purposeful. It also allows me to show my sons what it means to bring your all to your efforts while also representing for our people!

What's something you're proud of?

I’m proud of my sons and how they’re seeing what living in purpose on purpose looks like through me. I’m proud that I get to show up for my family and the legacy I am from in the ways I do daily. I’m proud that I have the opportunity to be a part of the solution and inspire others to do the same.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I’d like to be known for media work nationally and beyond. I have a few films I want to make. In 5 years, I’d like to at least have my first one done and in theaters across the country. 

Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies?

I was third chair for clarinet in band throughout middle school, and I used to love to crochet…made a blanket once. I also was pretty talented riding a unicycle! :)


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