This Saturday on WEIRD at NIGHT we explore the psychedelic vibes of Peyote Ugly in a recorded performance from Clock-Out Lounge. Taylar Elizza Beth blows our minds with her 'Expectation' music video! Poetry from Xavier CoolKid, Terry monstrosity, KAINA, Carmen Banana and more. In the last episode of WEIRD at NIGHT 'The Trial of Dartone' concluded in epic fashion. Dante, Ruler of Hell & Beyond shook up the WAN-iverse with an earthquake and now strange doppelgangers are showing up on the show. A 'Monocle Bear' has appeared, as well as Doctor Vince Violin. Luckily Trae Holiday was reporting live from the courthouse and courageously shared her footage with WEIRD at NIGHT. We will be looking back at the trial as well as breaking down these new characters and strange consequences.

WEIRD at NIGHT is founded on four principles; Time over money, People over profits, Art is the antidote and Attack with Love. Join the WAN-iverse ever Saturday Night Live at 10PM Pacific on Converge Media!


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