So let’s say it’s Saturday, you wanted to go out but you tore your favorite neon green pants and your shoes are full of yogurt. What to do? What kind of programming could possibly replace the kind of freaky fun you were gonna have? We’re really not sure. But WEIRD at NIGHT is live at 10pm PT on Saturday night and it DOES feature music videos, animated stories, drag, visual art, dance, film and vintage public access clips so that’s something, yeah? AND it’s hosted by Seattle musician Patrick Galactic and highly interactive, allowing you and whatever other weirdos show up the opportunity to have your voices heard on screen!

With a cast of characters including Shoe Detective Steve Germany, sociopathic man-child and would-be rock star Ryan Bryan, a nihilistic Pink Cloud, Stone Cold Steve Austin (in action figure form), a climate-obsessed Goblin Bird, and a host of others, WEIRD at NIGHT is THE place for mind-bending absurdity and surreal humor. We even feature personalities from Convege Media, including Trae Holiday, Besa Gordon, Deaunte Damper, and the Big O himself, Omari Salisbury!

Most importantly, WEIRD at NIGHT is a community of creative people and art appreciators, many of whom have, at one point or another, become part of the cast. Patrick Galactic asks and answers questions and concludes every episode with the Autowrite, a simple and fun exercise to stimulate creativity. The audience tries to clear their mind as Galactic counts back from 10, then spends 30-45 seconds clearing their mind, after which they are encouraged to write whatever comes in to their heads in to the chat. After the time elapses, everyone hits “Enter” on their keyboards and Patrick reads each autowrite.

WEIRD at NIGHT is a community-centered stream that celebrates creativity, confusion and collaboration in equal measure. It’s a show for the late night disenfranchised. Join us this Saturday and make your voice heard.


Reparations: Eric McDonnell and Dr. Amos Brown discuss what can be done to support the Black community on HeartBeat with Cindi Bright


King County Public Health Director Dr. Faisal Khan joins The Day With Trae to discuss health issues facing the community